Posts Tagged 'Language of Light'

It All Begins with Hope…

Today, it is so easy to get sucked into the doom, gloom, and negativity that’s all around us. If we aren’t conscious about our energy and have practices in place that help us to consistently reset our energetic frequency, we can quickly spiral down into a pit of despair. After a while, that despair can turn into hopelessness.

No matter what it is you want to create, either for yourself or the world, it begins with hope. ...

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Bring on the Joy!!

Have you ever felt like you’ve hit a rough patch that just doesn’t seem to end? That you’ve been trudging ahead so long just trying to get through the day that you can’t remember what it felt like to be joyful? “Joy? What’s that?” I don’t think there is one of us that hasn’t felt that way at some point, myself included. The good news is that we don’t have to wait for an external event to happen to us ...

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Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Not Enough?

At some point in our lives most of us have felt we weren’t enough. We weren’t smart enough, wealthy enough, talented enough, pretty or handsome enough, loved enough…the list is endless. Just fill in the blank. How many things have you denied experiencing because you felt you weren’t enough to try?

“I am not enough” seems to be a recurring theme lately in many of my private sessions. I always take it as a sign that if it’s ...

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Galactic Light Code & Activation for Patience

So this month I wanted to create a new galactic light code to help support us as we move into the holiday season in two weeks. While I thought initially we would be doing a code on balance or the illusion of perfectionism, I was a bit surprised when the guides suggested we do a code to help support us with patience. But once they explained to me why, it made perfect sense. Without patience for ourselves, it ...

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Authority, Control & Competition: Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 3)

One of the major archetypes of the Orion system is that of competition. As the system of control fell, the Orions found themselves faced with issues of competition. They spent tens of thousands of years warring over natural resources and which new ideology would replace the old system of control as the new dominant system.

Competition can come in many different forms, but it is always an expression of the perception of a finite universe. Most often ...

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