Posts Tagged 'galactic light codes'

Galactic Light Code & Activation for Patience

So this month I wanted to create a new galactic light code to help support us as we move into the holiday season in two weeks. While I thought initially we would be doing a code on balance or the illusion of perfectionism, I was a bit surprised when the guides suggested we do a code to help support us with patience. But once they explained to me why, it made perfect sense. Without patience for ourselves, it ...

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September and The Super Blood Moon: Harnessing the Energy for Emotional Transformation and Integration

Today is probably one of the most transformative of the year in that by bringing up the unseen or forgotten, you can move into new states of awareness. Allow yourself to fully feel today. Give yourself permission to let go of old patterns and beliefs, old stories of who you think you are. As tides of emotions surface, allow them to reach the shore. Like the ocean tide, they will ebb and flow. There are high tides and ...

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Authority, Control & Competition: Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 3)

One of the major archetypes of the Orion system is that of competition. As the system of control fell, the Orions found themselves faced with issues of competition. They spent tens of thousands of years warring over natural resources and which new ideology would replace the old system of control as the new dominant system.

Competition can come in many different forms, but it is always an expression of the perception of a finite universe. Most often ...

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Authority, Control & Competition: Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 2)

As we mentioned last week, we will be sharing Light Codes to assist you with the upcoming energies of authority, control, and competition as you near the equinox and begin integrating these Orion archetypes. This week we focus on control. Once again, to work with the codes, we suggest sitting quietly with them several times a week or as you feel called to.

Control Code

The Orions spent many eons locked in the illusion of control. To ...

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Authority, Control & Competition: Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 1)

As you near the fall equinox, more of the energy surrounding authority, control, and competition will begin to activate. This may be most notable in the areas of your military and police as well as your financial and political institutions. This is an opportunity for you at both the individual and the collective levels to integrate these energies. While authority, control, and competition are not unique to any one particular system in your galaxy, these are the dominant ...

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