Posts Tagged 'choice'

Taking Action in Incremental Steps

– 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective

Greetings, dears. At this time many of you are feeling called to action, but what action to take feels elusive. Now more than any other time, you are being asked to trust in taking steps in new directions. The steps need not be monumental, but rather will be incremental, building one on top of another as you move forward in creating new patterns and modes of working, collectively and individually, ...

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Gratitude for Life’s Challenges

– 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective

Yes, hello, Dears. This is the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, and it is a pleasure and an honor to have the opportunity to connect with you. At this time of year, many of you take an extra moment or two to focus on gratitude and the things in life for which you have appreciation. Many of you tend to focus more on what is going “right”, which is wonderful, but ...

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Fear of Choice

– Ramshi, 12th Dimensional Master Geneticist / Universal Architect

The fear of getting something wrong or making a wrong choice often keeps many of you from moving forward along your path towards greater joy and living the life you desire. This can be a powerful distraction, but one that you can shift.

The ability to alter your perception to that of a higher consciousness is one of the gifts ...

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