– 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective
Most often we get asked by you, “What is it that I am supposed to be doing with my life?” What needs healing is the perception that the “doing” state defines you. You are an energetic BE-ing having a physical experience, but many of you have forgotten to regard the energetic part of life: the opening and experiencing of the vibrational nature of the universe. As a vibrational being having a third dimensional physical existence, you experience frequency before form. You align with a frequency, amplify it, and then and only then is it reflected in your physical reality.
In your third dimensional reality you experience all things in a polarized expression. All things have their opposite counterpart: male/female, right/wrong, good/bad. “Being” is aligned with the feminine state, and “doing” is aligned with the masculine. When you have a collective consciousness that is suppressing the divine feminine energy, the exploration of yourselves as vibrational BE-ings is also suppressed.
With the 3D game comes the illusion of linear time, and from that level of perspective the feminine always comes first in creation. You must first BE in a receptive state and open to frequency. Once identified, you move to the masculine state of doing. You pulse out and amplify a frequency for creation. You then must return to the receptive feminine state so that as the universe matches your vibrational frequency in form, you are open to perceive and receive the awareness of its presence. You then once again move into the masculine state of doing to step forth to greet, encounter, and experience the form as it has been presented.
From the third dimensional perspective, you oscillate from feminine to masculine. In fifth dimensional reality and up, they are a simultaneous experience and expression as time does not exist and all things are immediately manifested.
So when you ask us “What do I do with my life?”, we say focus first on your state of being. What is the vibrational expression with which you choose to align? Love? Connection? Joy? Service? As you align your beingness with those frequencies, the universe will reflect their form. The universe always seeks to create in the most potent and energetically efficient way possible. Your gifts and talents will be used as fully as you allow them to be. If those gifts are hidden from your conscious awareness, by focusing on being loving and of service they will begin to surface.
To that we often hear many of you say, “That’s great. I’ve been doing that, but nothing shows up!” Remember, we said the universe is only able to use your gifts and abilities to the extent you allow. If you are not seeing reflected to you that which you consciously seek, what is being reflected that the unconscious needs healed?
As you align with a higher frequency creation, you must be in that same frequency in order to receive it. Through life experiences, you have created subconscious belief patterns that are of a much lower vibrational resonance. Any time you seek to maintain a higher frequency alignment, anything that is running at a lower frequency must be released. Think of it like trying to fly a kite with lead weights attached. It’s simply not possible to soar to great heights.
As you address what is present in your reflection, meaning releasing any judgements, attachments or aversions, you will soar to greater heights. That which you originally sought is always available to you. Opportunity is never really missed. The vibrational experience can still be had, however it may take a different form. A specific form is not really what the soul seeks to experience. It is the frequency you seek, and that is always available to you when you are ready and able to maintain alignment with it.
By focusing on being first rather than doing, you free yourself from the limitations of the mind. You free yourself from the old stories of what you were supposed to do when you grew up, what you were supposed to have achieved by a certain age, and what you are capable of doing in the future. You allow for new potentials, for new opportunities to use gifts and abilities that you may have been previously unaware you possessed, and you allow your soul the highest potential of expression through this physical life. If you are focused on your state of being first, the awareness of what to do becomes clear. You need only the courage to take the step. This is how one discovers and walks their life path.