Feeling Overwhelmed? We’ve got a code for that…

Many of us are feeling particularly overwhelmed at the moment. With today’s fast pace, there just doesn’t seem to be enough time to get everything we expect done, and this is when we start to experience overwhelm. We get attached to the ideas of what we think should happen and in what time frame these things should occur. We are doing, doing, doing, and not taking time to go inside to reset ourselves to the divine flow. We are trying to figure out everything with our ego mind rather than putting ourselves into alignment vibrationally with that we wish to create. When we take the time to go inside, we can see new solutions to problems, recharge so that we have more energy, realign with the divine so that we can accomplish things in divine timing (which usually means faster and with greater ease), and open to new opportunities.

When we take the time to go inside, we can see new solutions to problems, recharge so that we have more energy, realign with the divine so that we can accomplish things in divine timing (which usually means faster and with greater ease), and open to new opportunities.

I asked the guides to share a few words on the topic as well as a galactic light code and language of light activation to assist us in surrendering our overwhelm and being more in divine flow. You’ll find all the links to the channeling, instructions, and code below.

How to Work with the Code:

The symbols used in the light codes resonate with us at the energetic level and help remind us of our divine nature. The codes help us to release old limiting beliefs without having to define them. The symbols represent the Language of Light which bypasses the traditional language centers of the brain and speaks to you, a Diving Being of Light having a physical experience.

To work with the Galactic Light Code below simply hold the thought, “I am present in the moment and rise to every challenge with grace and ease. I release my need to mentally figure it all out.” while gazing at the code. If your inner critic is a bit active saying things like, “You know that’s not true!” or “You’re just kidding yourself!” then imagine what it would feel like IF YOU COULD…?

There really is no right or wrong way to work with the code and the activation. Follow your intuition. Note any changes in how you may be feeling physically, emotionally, or mentally. Often we don’t recognize change unless we make a concerted effort to look, especially when we are seeking to notice subtle changes in frequency.



Click to stream. Right click or Control+Click to Download.

Feel free to share the code and activation. Leave us a comment below, and let us know what you experience with the code and/or the activation. Everyone will experience them differently. We’d love to hear from you!!


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  1. Lora Abrielle  October 8, 2016

    Wendy, I feel so relieved to hear from you, to know you are tapped in to higher frequencies and are a willing light house for others who are receptive to more inner growth. What you offer is so big … in 3D-land … where we tend to think/believe life has surprises that we may or may not like.
    I’m super grateful that you encourage sharing the light codes!!! ????????

  2. Nermina  October 9, 2016

    As always much appreciated, thank you Wendy for keeping the link to that “blue space” open for all of us.
    I got 2 things, for now: 1) clear the space for important things and 2) let it flow.
    Looking forward to more that this light code has to offer.

  3. Nermina  October 10, 2016

    More messages from the code: I am supported and I make breakthroughs, with easy and joy. Thank you Wendy, 1000 times

  4. Seamus  November 16, 2016

    Resonate with you. I feel the Grace. Godessence Bless.