Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Not Enough?

At some point in our lives most of us have felt we weren’t enough. We weren’t smart enough, wealthy enough, talented enough, pretty or handsome enough, loved enough…the list is endless. Just fill in the blank. How many things have you denied experiencing because you felt you weren’t enough to try?

“I am not enough” seems to be a recurring theme lately in many of my private sessions. I always take it as a sign that if it’s coming up strongly for a number of my clients, it’s probably coming up strongly for the masses. So I asked the guides if they would kindly share a code and activation to help us move beyond some of these limiting beliefs.

The symbols used in the light codes resonate with us at the energetic level and help remind us of our divine nature. The codes help us to release old limiting beliefs without having to define them. The symbols represent the language of light which bypasses the traditional language centers of the brain and speaks to you, a Diving Being of Light having a physical experience.

To work with the light code simply hold the thought, “I am enough. I am divinely perfect.” while gazing at the code. If your inner critic is a bit active saying things like, “You know that’s not true!” or “You’re just kidding yourself!” then imagine what it would feel like IF you were those things. WHAT IF you were enough? WHAT IF you were divinely perfect?

We’ve also included here a language of light activation that supports the code. You can listen to the activation at the same time or separately.



There really is no right or wrong way to work with the code and the activation. Follow your intuition. You may choose to work with the code and activation several times a day for 3 days. Note any changes in how you may be feeling physically, emotionally or mentally. Often we don’t recognize change unless we make a concerted effort to look, especially when we are seeking to notice subtle changes in frequency.

Life is about exploration of vibrational frequencies. Some things we’ll love and some things…not so much. But we never know until we step into the moment. You are enough exactly as you are, and every experience is perfect as it is.

Feel free to share the code and activation. Leave us a comment below and let us know what you experience with the code and/or the activation. Everyone will experience them differently. We’d love to hear from you!!

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  1. Nancy Peterson  April 29, 2016

    Thank you so much, Wendy and the Pleiadians, for releasing this code to us at this time. It is truly needed by myself and many others who feel the remnants of unworthiness left over from our enslavement lifetimes. Simply working with this light code a couple times gave me such wonderful feelings of peace and love and forgiveness. Thank you for bringing enlightenment and joy to this beautiful planet and the life streams who live upon it. Sending you much love ❤ and appreciation!

  2. Beate  April 29, 2016

    Dear Wendy, dear PS!
    Thank you so much for the Activation “I am enough.I am divinely perfect”. That is wonderful. The time is “perfect”.
    Since 20 years I work with the Mayan Calendar. it is my passion. And today on the 29 April begins the Energy of the
    CHUEN (Mayan Glyphe Name). It ends on the 11. May. So it is 13 days this Energy and it may bring up Problems with the INNER CHILD……like I am not good enough. I am not worthy and so much more.
    Or we recognize that we don’t play anymore so much and laughter and singing……….and be transparent……express feelings….trust……and to be spontinous……….A child makes no planes and goals……..
    I am from Austria and my english is not so perfest but I thing GOOD ENOUGH. Smile….
    big Hug
    much Love and Blessings
    Beate from Austria

  3. Janis Abrams  April 29, 2016

    Dear Wendy and the Ps,
    Just read this after completing the last chapter of my book, a body, mind, spirit memoir and
    I ended it with a chapter about self-love and a poem titled I Am Enough! What synchronicity!
    Thank you.

  4. Carole McKeracher  April 29, 2016

    Divine. Perfect timing. This code and activation feels so soothing and gentle and I already feel uplifted after one session with it. Thank you so much Wendy and the P’s.

  5. natalie  April 30, 2016

    Thank you Wendy!
    I sat with the code and feel refreshed!
    Love it ! Thank to the Ps!
    I have a question…
    Is that a language that beings use…Or…?
    Much love,

  6. drew  May 1, 2016

    Thank you Wendy, as usual, very generous.

  7. Teri  May 2, 2016

    Thank you Wendy & Ps,

    My identical twin sister and I are SRA survivors, then 4 years into my marriage my husband got sick (long term illness) now I am here for him. He’s never had a relapse in my care. I have always believed that love is the key to everything. First of all love is free. With love everything follows – respect, compassion, kindness, “everything”. As Mozart said “Love is the sole to genius”. And yes, I do agree you need the dark to understand and truly appreciate the light. My problem is me. I honestly am not sure where my place is here. I can give great advice but I have troubles taking it myself. Listening to you once a day or more really makes me feel a lot better about myself. You have helped me realize that all of this has been a learning experience and I have to say that I wouldn’t change my past because it has made me the person I am today. I am also learning to put the past behind me. Thank you for everything and thank you for just being you. Teri